Other support
Dementia Hub information sessions
We provide a range of services to support people experiencing crisis as a result of dementia, or suspected dementia. These include our Dementia Rapid Response Teams, our inpatient (hospital) services and our memory assessment service
Discounts For Carers
There are lots of exclusive discounts for carers, but it can be a minefield wading through them all. Take a look at our guide to money off. From carers’ discount cards, to carers go free. And deals on utilities to carer council tax discounts.
Derby & Derbyshire - Emotional Health & Wellbeing
Emotional health and mental wellbeing affect all aspects of our lives and health choices. Mental wellbeing is about feeling good and functioning well.
Derby City Dementia information
Dementia isn’t one disease, but a set of symptoms. They tend to include memory loss, and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language. It’s caused when the brain experiences damage from things like Alzheimer’s disease or strokes.
Derbyshire Care Services directory
Care Homes & Care in Cromford, Derbyshire.
Action Deafness
Derbyshire County Council has a Deaf Communication Service which provides
communication support to Deaf and Deafblind people, provides information and advice, and signposts users to other support.
Alzheimer’s Society
Providing support for carers and people with of all kinds of dementia.
Citizens Advice Bureau
Helps people resolve their legal, money and other problems by providing free, independent and confidential advice.
Derbyshire Mind
Derbyshire Mind is one of a federated network of local Mind charities across the UK. Our focus is on improving mental health and wellbeing for people in Derbyshire
The Asian Association of Chesterfield & North Derbyshire
The Asian Association of Chesterfield & North Derbyshire was founded in 1982, with the aim of promoting the culture, education, health and welfare
Derbyshire Carers Association
Our Telephone Befriending service aims to provide a regular friendly phone-call from a trained volunteer for companionship, a listening ear and support.
Derbyshire County Council
We work with communities to ensure our services meet their environment, education, social, family, leisure, transport and economic needs and expectations.
Joined Up Care Derbyshire
Derbyshire's Integrated Care System (ICS) brings together health and social care organisations across Derbyshire.
National Grid Priority Services Register (Electricity)
Our Priority Services Register (PSR) provides extra help and additional support during a power cut for elderly, very ill or disabled people, or those who rely on power for medical equipment.
Cadent Priority Services Register (Gas)
The Priority Services Register (PSR) is a way that we can help those who have extra communication, access or safety needs to gain equal access to the best possible service(s) at all times.
Carers Trust
Working to transform the lives of unpaid carers.